Remaining Generous Update – Video
Check out this amazing video below that tells the story of our ministries and your generosity.…
Remaining Generous Update – THANK YOU!
Please prayerfully consider a group or individual gift. Your support is our lifeline. Checks should be made payable to the Christian Church in NC with a memo: Remaining Generous Gift and mail to P.O. Box 1568, Wilson, NC, 27894, or you may make a donation online at by clicking the donate button on the menu bar.
Remaining Generous
We greet you with a resilient hope emanating from our faith in God through Christ Jesus.
Our prayer for each of you has centered around calmness and clarity as you navigate these uncharted waters. It seems almost impossible to recall how we entered 2020, with our engines set at full speed destined for a productive and successful year. Then, in what seemed like the twinkling of an eye, our engines idled. Business as usual, including church plans, slowed to a crawl. The whisper of COVID-19 brought turbulence to our daily routines. The economic roller coaster has taken job security on an unpredictable ride. And the game of hopscotch that families are engaging to sustain balance has caused fear and anxiety among us all. What in the world are we, the faith community, to do in times such as these? Where is our hope? How will we remain productive during such a crisis? “The answer is: by remaining generous.”
As you consider how you will remain generous to your Regional church, allow me to share a story. Yes, you knew I would have at least one to tell. This story is about Jesus attending worship in the temple, and when it was time for offering, he watched how the crowd gave. Jesus noticed that some had an abundance to offer, and they did so. Sharing from abundance is commendable. The story continues, there was another person present in worship. The story lifts the presence of a woman, described as a poor widow who came forward to bring her offering, just two copper coins. How in the world could so small amount mean anything to the offering? Right then, Jesus employed a teaching moment. Although the widow’s gift might be seen by some as far less in value to the church treasury than those who had immense wealth, she gave the more significant offering. You see, being a widow meant her circumstances had also faced a drastic change. The death of her husband had impoverished her life, and whatever security she once enjoyed, was now obsolete.
Three noteworthy things happened in this story. The widow still believed, which meant the change in circumstance did not diminish her relationship with God or her faithfulness. The widow still showed up, even after the loss of her loved one she kept attending church, finding solace and acceptance among the community of faith. The widow remained generous, by stepping forward to bring her meager offering, we see a giving heart displaying hope amid the uncertainties of life.
Regional family, I invite you to remain generous by sharing an offering to help your Regional church continue the work of being the bridge connecting each individual and congregation. You see, we do have much in common with the widow. During unfavorable situations, our faith in your generosity remains firm; we have witnessed it time and time again. We invite you to remain generous as we support pastors who are discovering the new normal for ministry and performing strenuous efforts on your behalf. Remain generous with your Regional church as we prepare those discerning God’s call to ministry. God is always calling, even now. Remain generous with us as we care for Camp Caroline and discover how to offer innovations for spiritual renewal and recreation. Today, we invite you in whatever way you can to step forward and bring your offering, especially if it seems to be a meager but mighty one. Your generosity will make a difference because the Regional engine
continues to run.
Please prayerfully consider a group or individual gift. Your support is our lifeline. Checks should be made payable to the Christian Church in NC with a memo: Remaining Generous Gift and mail to P.O. Box 1568, Wilson, NC, 27894, or you may make a donation online at by clicking the donate button on the menu bar.
With a Resilient Hope,
Bishop Valerie Melvin, Regional Minister
4-6-20 CCNC Regional Response Update-7
Dear Church:
A blessed Holy Week to each of you! Check out the Regional updates featuring staff news and an update from our Regional Medical Team. Please let us know how we might be helpful to you during this time.
Please feel free to use this Center for Disease Prevention and Control resource link regarding face masks. We have also provided two links with patterns for sewing masks. 
May Resurrection Power Sustain Us!
+Valerie J. Melvin
Disciples Church Extension Fund Offers Assistance in Applying for Paycheck Protection Plan Loans
Dear Church:
During this moment of self-containment, households are doing what they can to remain calm and stable. Keeping some sense of normalcy requires resources, and a large number of North Carolinians laid off due to COVID-19 (170K) gives cause for economic concern. Unemployment is not only a concern of the business sector of our state but churches as well.
We appreciate that the CARES Act Payment Protection Plan did not exclude most non-profit organizations (including churches) from protecting their employee payroll. Please find attached a press release from Church Extension, providing us with user-friendly resources as we apply for the PPP funds available to our churches.
We are thankful that our Regional and General leaders are working to provide us with assistance and resources as we navigate these uncertain times.
May God’s Resurrection Power Sustain Us All,
+Valerie J. Melvin
Regional Minister
DCEF offers assistance in applying for CARES Act
Paycheck Protection Program loans
The federal government has allocated more than $350 billion to assist small businesses, including non-profits such as congregations and other denominational organizations, in keeping employees on the payroll and covering critical expenses through this trying financial time. The CARES Act created the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), providing loans through the Small Business Administration with provisions for loan forgiveness of up to 100%, depending upon how the loan funds are spent.
Disciples Church Extension Fund is collaborating with an organization we use for some of our employee benefits, Cost Stewardship, Inc., to provide assistance to Disciples congregations and organizations wanting to apply for these loans. Each Disciples congregation or organization is required to apply directly with a bank, preferably one that has their deposit accounts. The assistance will be very helpful in gathering all of the correct information and fully completing the application form. This service is provided at no cost to Disciples congregations, Regions, General Ministries and recognized ministries. DCEF does not benefit financially in any way from this service.
To learn more about this service, click on the link below.…
Official COVID-19 Week of Compassion Grants and Food Stamp Supplement
Dear Region of NC:
We are beginning to receive notification of resources that address household needs. There are two items to review. The Household Solidarity grant, and a letter explaining the food stamp supplement that was passed in the Families First Coronavirus Bill and how it will be implemented in NC. We pray that these resources will be helpful. Share with as many as you can. You can read the attachments here and here.
+Valerie Melvin
Regional Minister
Week of Compassion is instituting a grant program- Household Solidarity Grants for Income Loss- to help respond to critical economic needs during the COVID-19 outbreaks in the US and Canada. We are coordinating this program along with other General Ministries to help Disciples individuals and families during this pandemic. Attached you will find the application (here and here), and below is a short description.
+Household Solidarity Grants for Income Loss are available to Disciples of Christ congregations on behalf of members and pastors who are experiencing significant financial hardship. Eligible households must have lost wages due to COVID-19 (illness, protective social measures, or reduced hours/gigs) and must not be eligible for state unemployment insurance (USA) or the GSTC (Canada). Additional funds are available for households that do not qualify for federal stimulus benefits. For more information, email Week of Compassion at [email protected]
We also have this application in Spanish and Korean should you need it. Please let me know if you have any questions.
You all continue to be in my prayers during this time, and I am grateful for the ways you are ministering to your community as this pandemic continues to impact many lives in the days and weeks ahead. Thank you.
Rev. Vy T. Nguyen
Executive Director, Week of Compassion
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada
Cell Phone: 510.473.8962…
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