Dear Region of NC:
We are beginning to receive notification of resources that address household needs. There are two items to review. The Household Solidarity grant, and a letter explaining the food stamp supplement that was passed in the Families First Coronavirus Bill and how it will be implemented in NC. We pray that these resources will be helpful. Share with as many as you can. You can read the attachments here and here.
+Valerie Melvin
Regional Minister
Week of Compassion is instituting a grant program- Household Solidarity Grants for Income Loss- to help respond to critical economic needs during the COVID-19 outbreaks in the US and Canada. We are coordinating this program along with other General Ministries to help Disciples individuals and families during this pandemic. Attached you will find the application (here and here), and below is a short description.
+Household Solidarity Grants for Income Loss are available to Disciples of Christ congregations on behalf of members and pastors who are experiencing significant financial hardship. Eligible households must have lost wages due to COVID-19 (illness, protective social measures, or reduced hours/gigs) and must not be eligible for state unemployment insurance (USA) or the GSTC (Canada). Additional funds are available for households that do not qualify for federal stimulus benefits. For more information, email Week of Compassion at [email protected]
We also have this application in Spanish and Korean should you need it. Please let me know if you have any questions.
You all continue to be in my prayers during this time, and I am grateful for the ways you are ministering to your community as this pandemic continues to impact many lives in the days and weeks ahead. Thank you.
Rev. Vy T. Nguyen
Executive Director, Week of Compassion
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada
Cell Phone: 510.473.8962