Regional Happenings (Page 6)

Regional Happenings (Page 6)

Coming soon…

New Podcast Resources from Barton College

The following information is from Rev. Dr. Rodney Werline, Barton College. Please address all questions or inquires to Dr. Werline at Friends and Colleagues, The Barton College Center for Religious Studies has released Part Two of the Light of Life series interview with Dr. Zachary Moon on moral injury. Also, the second mini-podcast in the Three Minute Thought series has been released. Title: “Losing a Hero: Roberto Clemente.” Three Minute Thoughts consider the spirituality in our everyday lives. Follow this link: Peace, Rod Werline — Rodney A. Werline, PhD Professor of Religious Studies Marie and Leman Barnhill Endowed Chair in Religious Studies Director, Barton College Center for Religious Studies Program Director, Religion and Philosophy Major Editor, Early Judaism and Its Literature (SBL) Barton College PO Box 5000 Wilson, NC 27893 (m) 336-508-4332…

CMF/DWM Virtual Retreat ‘Unity & Resilience: Hallmarks of Faith’

More than ever, we Disciples need to celebrate our rich heritage and envision our promising legacy going forward.  On Saturday, September 12, we invite you to enjoy the combined Disciples of Christ CMF/DWM Virtual Retreat, “Unity and Resilience: Hallmarks of Faith,” on our NC Regional Website –  The retreat, divided into three parts with additional break-out sessions, will be available at 10:00 AM and is pre-recorded for your convenience. While there is no registration or fee required for this event, gifts to the region are always appreciated. See the attached flyer and program.  Please post on your church websites and forward to others. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Naish at or Penny Ziemer at On Sept. 12, come join us as we bear witness to all the ways our faith tradition is rooted in unity, resilience and hope! …

Racial Equity Orientation Workshop: Building a Common Language

To register for this event, please do so here. The ARPR Commission commends all of you who are engaging in the Regional Call to Action for Racial Equity and Justice for All! Many of you have participated in the Morning Call to Prayer with Bishop Melvin and leaders from across our Region. Thank you! Hundreds of you gathered for the Juneteenth Virtual Vigil for Freedom & Resilience. Thank you! Tens of thousands – including folks from Christian Churches in NC – gathered online for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington. Praise God! Church leaders are working on proposals for CCNC Reconciliation Grants to engage their local community in ministry that nurtures and promotes racial equity. Praise God! Districts and churches are moving towards strengthened conversations and congregational training around racial equity and reconciliation ministry. To God be the Glory! And God continues to call each member, clergy, congregation, and organization across the NC Region to the ministry of reconciliation – to become an Anti-Racist/Pro-Reconciling Church. Hallelujah! We (the ARPR Commission) are working diligently on the massive Call to Action Plan that you received on June 22. We have fielded inquiries from a number of folks about the virtual Racial Equity Orientation Workshop on Building a Common Language scheduled for July 25 and 31. This is an online workshop designed to unpack language and cultivate a common vocabulary surrounding racial equity ministry. NOTE: This workshop does not fulfill or replace the Racial Equity Training requirement for clergy. To ensure the success of the Racial Equity Orientation Workshop: Building a Common Language, the ARPR Commission has discerned the need to host a Pilot Workshop before we launch the Workshop to the entire Region. Therefore, we are taking the following actions: Postpone the virtual Racial Equity Orientation Workshop originally scheduled for July 25 and 31. Host a Pilot Workshop for clergy during the Tuesday, August 4th CCNC Regional Pastor’s Check-In via Zoom Open the Workshop to the Region on Saturday, August 15 (10-11:30am) with a second Workshop on Thursday, August 27 (7-8:30pm). Registration will be required to attend each of these workshops, but will remain open through August 15 and August 27 respectively (same day registrations will be accepted) To register, click the at the top of this post or go here.  You may attend either of the region-wide workshops or both. We invite clergy, chaplains, ordained and commissioned ministers to join us on August 4 for the Pilot Racial Equity Orientation Workshop: Building a Common Language. Again, thanks to each and everyone of you for your commitment to racial equity in your churches, communities and across our region. In the Strong Name of Christ, Dr. Jackie McHenry & Rev. Jason Williams…